Refund Policy
You can return any item for a refund, within 14 days of receiving your original order if it is in good condition, not used or worn.
If you'd like a refund for your goods, but you can't return them to us for any reason, then a refund for those goods will be at our discretion
We don’t accept return items for exchange - if you want to change an item for a different size or colour, you'll need to place a new order as all returned items will automatically be refunded.
You will receive a refund equivalent to the amount you paid when you purchased the item. This includes sale items.
Returns don't need to be in the original packaging. In the unlikely event that an item is returned in an unsuitable condition, it may be sent back to you.
All goods will be inspected on return.
The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure it's packed properly and can't get damaged on the way.
You are responsible for any items that are returned to Tranquility Crystals by mistake.
You can request a returns form and label by email.
Make sure you use a postal service that insures you for the value of the items you are returning, obtain proof of posting and if possible tracking service.
For international returns it can take up to 14-20 days for your return to arrive at our warehouse and we'll send you an email to let you know once it has been received and your refund has been processed. Once your refund has been processed, depending on your card issuer, it can take up to 10 business days for the funds to show in your account.